The Rotary Club of Michigan City Foundation is a seperate entity supported by The Rotary Club of Michigan City.

Since its inception, the The Rotary Club of Michigan City Foundation has provided many, many students with scholarships and leadership training through the Rotary Youth Leadership Award so they can fulfill their dreams of going to college and becoming leaders in our community.

The Foundation Board has set forth several goals to better fulfill our mission. To meet these goals, we need both the support of past and present Michigan City Rotarians and the support of Michigan City residents who want to help make higher education a reality for more students and train and support our leaders for tomorrow.

The Board of Directors of the Foundation has a number of goals in the coming years. They include the following:

  • Expand the types of scholarships provided by considering bridge scholarships that would enable high school students to take advanced placement courses at local universities. This would better position students in the Michigan City area to be more competitive when applying to college.

  • Give more consideration and broaden eligibility of scholarships for high school students who have meaningful stories and challenging life experiences. Create four-year scholarships versus the existing two-year scholarships as more funds are generated to strengthen the investment portfolio.

  • Expand the number of students we send to leadership training through the Rotary Youth Leadership Award.
  • Increase the size of the Foundation’s scholarship fund by 10% using an annual appeal letter.

  • Double the size of the scholarship fund by 2015.