Conversation with the founder of Yoga Mecca, who will lead Rotarians through a meditation
Apr 26, 2018
Andrew Morris
Conversation with the founder of Yoga Mecca, who will lead Rotarians through a meditation

I find that from every teacher, every lineage, and every practice, you can glean new light and wisdom. My teaching is a fusion of styles and traditions including: Ashtanga, Power yoga, Iyengar, Yin yoga, restorative yoga, Akhanda yoga, Integral yoga, and the teachings of Ido Portal. The hallmarks of my teaching include: Freedom, Compassion, The Balancing of Pluralities into Singularity, and Fun.
I also practice gymnastics, capoeira, calisthenics, run, and rock climb in my spare time, which all inform my teaching.

Every yoga class is an opportunity to enlighten my students with the wisdom of the body, mind and spirit, to progress ever more towards Moksha, Ananda, Kaivalya, Mahasamadhi and Yoga.

Through the practice of yoga we all become a little more understanding, a little more compassionate, and a little more loving.